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Why Is Your Hisense Roku TV Not Turning On?

If you own a Hisense Roku TV, you may have experienced the frustration of it not turning on. Obviously it’s a bit worrying…you may need to replace the Roku TV if it’s broken, but typically we see this caused by a few simple issues that can be easily troubleshooted and fixed.

To fix a Hisense Roku TV that won’t turn on, start by trying a power cycle, and then inspect the power cable and power hardware. Next, replace the batteries in your remote and try using the Roku smartphone app to turn it on. Then, you can try a factory reset, but you should probably contact support.

So, let’s look at these quick fixes, as well as a few more that may fix your issue quickly and get you back to watching. There’s a chance you’ll need to roll up your sleeves and contact support, but we’ll address that as well. Let’s get started!

8 Troubleshooting Steps For A Hisense Roku TV That Won’t Turn On

Hisense Roku TV Not Turning On

This are the troubleshooting steps we recommend if your Hisense Roku TV (on Amazon) won’t turn on. We also recommend doing them in this order too because this is how likely they are to fix the issue. We have a separate article on how to reset your Hisense Roku TV, if you’d like to try that later in the process.

So, start from the top of this quick-reference list and try to get your TV working again. And below the table we’ll look at these fixes in more detail.

Troubleshooting StepHow to Execute
Power Cycle the DeviceUnplug the TV from the power outlet. Wait for 30 seconds. Plug it back in and turn it on.
Inspect Your Hardware1. Verify the TV is properly plugged into a working outlet. Test the outlet with a different device or plug the TV into a different outlet. If using a power strip or surge protector, try plugging the TV directly into the wall.
2. Check for a loose power cable connection. Unplug and replug it to ensure a secure connection.
3. Inspect the power cord for any frayed or exposed wires, or signs of wear and tear. Replace if damaged.
Swap Out Your Remote’s BatteriesCheck the batteries in the remote, replace them, and try to turn the TV on from the remote.
Use The Roku Remote AppTry to download and use the Roku mobile app as a remote (iOS/Android). Ensure your phone and TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Select your TV from the list of available devices on the app. This probably won’t work if your Roku TV is truly dead.
Inspect TV HardwareIf the TV is not working, inspect the backlight. Try to turn on the TV and look closely at the screen. If you hear audio but see no images, it’s possible the backlight has failed. If it’s a backlight issue, contact Hisense support.
Check Internal ComponentsIf you’re comfortable, inspect the TV’s main board and capacitors (responsible for storing and releasing electrical energy). Be aware that you might void your warranty or support claim by doing this.
Reset the TVFind the physical reset button on the TV (should be near the IR receiver). Hold this down for 20-30 seconds, until the TV restarts. If it doesn’t then this fix didn’t work.
Seek Professional HelpIf the TV is still not working, contact Hisense support if you’re within warranty or Roku support if not.
Hisense Roku TV Not Turning On – Quick Troubleshooting Steps

Lastly, be sure to skim our article on turning on any Hisense TV without a remote, not just a Roku one, if that could help you out.

First: Power Cycle The Device

This is one of the most basic yet effective troubleshooting methods. To perform a power cycle, unplug your TV from the power outlet and wait for 30 seconds. Then, plug it back in and turn it on. This method can help resolve any software issues that may be preventing your TV from turning on.

Sounds easy right? It is. But if your TV didn’t magically start working after this, let’s move to the next troubleshooting step.

Next: Inspect Your Hardware (Power Cables, Outlet, etc.)

So, playing with this theme of the power source being the problem, let’s look at these different places the power source can fail and what to look for:

Outlet Verification

First, check that your TV is properly plugged into a working outlet. Sometimes, a loose connection can prevent the TV from getting the power it needs. You can use a different device to test the outlet, or plug the TV into a different outlet to see if that solves the problem.

If you’re using a power strip or surge protector (our guide on telling them apart), try plugging the TV directly into the wall outlet to rule out any issues with the power strip. Obviously, if the outlet is bad, then the TV isn’t going to turn on.

Also, check for looseness here: Sometimes, the cable can become loose over time, which can prevent the TV from turning on. If the cable is loose, try unplugging it and plugging it back in to ensure a secure connection.

Power Cord Inspection

Maybe your power cable got eaten up by a mouse or home pet, or perhaps a rambunctious smarthome robot vacuumed it into submission. Check the power cable itself for any frayed or exposed wires, or signs of wear and tear

If you notice any damage, you may need to replace the power cord or, more likely, take it to a repair shop or contact Hisense support (more on that later) for a recommended fix.

Swap Out Your Remote’s Batteries

Roku Remote

The remote–being the way you turn the TV on–could obviously be part of the failure loop here. First, try to fix your physical remote, and next, escalate to the Roku app to *try* and sidestep it, but note that if your TV won’t turn on and is truly dead the Roku app probably won’t connect to it.

Check The Remote’s Batteries

The first thing to check is the batteries. If the batteries are dead or low on power, the remote won’t work. You can check the battery level on the remote by pressing and holding the Home button.

If the battery level is low, replace the batteries with new ones. We recommend using Energizer AAA Batteries (on Amazon) for long-lasting power. Also, if the remote has totally failed, you can also turn on a Hisense Roku TV with a power button on the bottom of the TV typically.

If you have more issues, have a look at our full article on when a Hisense Roku TV Remote won’t work.

Use The Roku Remote App

If the batteries are fine, you can try using the Roku mobile app as a remote. The Roku mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Once you have downloaded the app, make sure your phone and TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Open the app and select your TV from the list of available devices. You can use the app to navigate the Roku interface and control your TV. If you are having trouble connecting your phone to your TV, try resetting your Wi-Fi router or restarting your TV.

But, again, note that if your TV is literally turned off, the Roku components inside will be turned off too and the app may simply not see the TV. But it may work for some!

Consider Actual TV Hardware Failures

If you’re TV still isn’t working, it may have simply reached end of life. As we’ve discussed on the blog, a Roku TV should be expected to last 6-8 years. When internal components start to fail, there’s no single source of Hisense error codes, but some users (forum) have found that the blinking red light can indicate an internal issue of one or the other kind. But if it fails, and it’s not the power cord (as we already discussed) what is actually doing the failing?

It Could Be the TV’s Backlight That’s Failed

The backlight is responsible for illuminating the screen of your TV. If the backlight is not functioning properly, your TV will not turn on. To inspect the backlight, turn on your TV and look closely at the screen.

It’s possible that your TV is turning on, but the backlight failure is preventing you from actually seeing images. you’ll notice this if you try to play something and can still hear audio, or, on some models, if you can still see a faint image on the screen. If this is your issue, you’ll want to skip to the support section below.

Internal Components (Motherboard, Capacitors, etc.)

The main board is the central component of your TV that controls all the functions. If the main board is faulty, it can cause your TV not to turn on. Capacitors are responsible for storing and releasing electrical energy in your TV.

To check either of these, you need to know what you’re doing before removing the back cover of the TV and further disassembling to access and diagnose any board problems. You can also try to spot it with behavior: if the TV powers on and displays a logo, and then freezes, that’s likely a main board error (forum).

We don’t recommend many people attempt this…instead, it’s better to have a repair shop or formal support in place by the time you get to this step, because it can be daunting and you will almost certainly void any warranty or claim to formal support you have by attempting it. And, again, if you do, be prepared to actually fix technical electrical problems like replacing a capacitor if you’re serious.

Reset the Hisense Roku TV!

If your Hisense Roku TV won’t turn on, you can try resetting it to its factory settings. Here are the steps to reset a Hisense Roku TV that won’t turn on:

  1. Unplug your TV from all connected devices (but leave it plugged into the wall)
  2. Hold down the physical power button beneath the IR receiver on the TV for at least 15 seconds.
  3. You should see a red light if you have been successful in turning the TV on, and thee screen should start working if the Reset accomplished a fix of an internal glitch.

If the TV still won’t turn on, try resetting it to its factory settings. To do this, click the HOME button on your remote, followed by SETTINGS > SYSTEM > ADVANCED SYSTEM SETTINGS > FACTORY RESET > FACTORY RESET EVERYTHING. If you have a very obscure issue, you can try to navigate and do this with the non-functional screen, but if you’re at that point you probably just need to accept that your TV is at end of life…it’s dead.

If you’re still having trouble turning on your Hisense Roku TV after trying these steps, you may need to contact Hisense customer support for further assistance. The rest instructions will clear an issue if the issue is internal, probably, but if the TV is just dead you would expect the reset to do nothing…for the TV to remain dead. But obviously it’s worth trying!

How To Get Profession Help from Hisense or Roku (Which One?)

If you have tried all the troubleshooting steps and your Hisense Roku TV still won’t turn on, you may need to seek professional help. You may be wondering whether to contact Hisense or Roku for assistance.

If your Hisense Roku TV is still under warranty, you should contact Hisense customer support. You can find the contact information for Hisense customer support on their website. They may be able to provide you with further assistance or even repair or replace your TV if necessary.

On the other hand, if your Hisense Roku TV is out of warranty, you may want to contact Roku customer support instead. Roku typically offers support for their devices even after the warranty has expired. You can contact Roku customer support through their website or by phone.

Ultimately, whether you contact Hisense or Roku for help will depend on your specific situation. If your TV is still under warranty, it may be best to contact Hisense first. However, if you are no longer covered by the warranty, Roku may be the better option.

Hisense Hindsight: Concluding Your Troubleshooting Journey

Remember, your home theater experience is only as good as the equipment used to create it. The Hisense Roku TV is a key component in that mix. Properly maintaining and troubleshooting your TV when needed ensures a seamless and immersive entertainment experience.

As outlined in the guide above, a step-by-step approach will help you identify the issues and potentially fix them, allowing you to return to your planned enjoyment without missing a beat.