Ultra short throw projectors (UST) are the perfect tool when space is a factor for proper projection. They also help mitigate the amount of light that might strain a presenter’s eyes, making them perfect for applications like schools and universities. But they often need proper placement for operation. So can you mount them on a ceiling?
While you can mount an ultra short throw projector on the ceiling, it’s not the intended placement. This means that while possible, it could mean poor image quality. Most UST projectors won’t even have the proper hardware to accomplish this task anyway.
While TVs might take the price for being easy to set up, projectors certainly win when it comes to screen real estate. For this reason, they have become very popular in home theatre setups. While most projectors need around 10 feet for proper operation, ultra-short-throw projectors don’t, making them a useful tool in cramped spaces. To learn more about UST projectors and their mounting possibilities, read on!
What Are Ultra Short Throw Projectors Designed For?
When it comes to projectors, there is a lot to know. USTs are one of the many types and are known for their ability to cast a large screen from only a short distance. Projectors usually come in three varieties including standard throw, short-throw, and ultra-short-throw.
While your average projector may need around five feet to cast a 100” screen, UST projectors can accomplish this with just a couple of inches. This makes them great for use in small rooms. Instead of needing all that space, you can easily put them close to the wall or screen and project a crystal clear image. This adds convenience to projectors that would otherwise not exist.
Another advantage of having a UST projector is cable management. Since everything is fairly close to the wall, you can easily hide cables from sight. When combined with a media player, UST makes it, so you don’t have to fumble over cords to move across the room.
Are UST Better Than Standard Throw?
UST projectors have some unique advantages over standard throw projectors. The main one being the ability to cast a large image from a short distance. This allows for them to be used in small and tight spaces. To compare the two is a bit difficult.
They are like comparing tools. Is one better than the other? In certain circumstances, yes, but if you are looking for a portable projector that doesn’t require a lot of room, a UST projector is your best bet, however, there are a few questions you may have still.
Do UST Projectors Need a Special Screen?
This is a fairly common question when it comes to projectors. But the beauty of UST projectors is that you can use them almost anywhere. This means you can cast a screen on a white wall if you need to.
Nevertheless, a dedicated screen can improve your viewing experience. Not only can it handle the light better, but it can also be reflective, which helps the image quality. UST projectors, in particular, are often tricky to deal with. Having a screen to use can help with warping and other distorted image issues.
So does a UST projector need a special screen? The short answer is no, but they do benefit from having a stable surface to project on, moreover, it’s wise to ensure that you’ve chosen a proper mount as well using our guide as a reference.
You Can Flip the Image and Mount Some UST Projectors on the Ceiling
When it comes to the question of ceiling mounting, there isn’t quite an easy answer. Some UST projectors, like this Samsung UST Laser Projector (on Amazon), come with mounting holes. A problem that most projectors face is the lack of a screen flipping option.
When you ceiling mount a projector, it will flip the image. While some software can handle this simple task, some will not. This is especially the case for UST projectors as they are designed for this purpose. Another problem you might run into is lining up the image.
Most projectors will have options for minor adjustments; you can easily throw off the aspect ratio by messing with these parameters. If it takes around 15 minutes to get a UST projector on a coffee table, you can imagine how long it would take to do so from the ceiling.
Should you Mount a UST Projector on the Ceiling?

If you can avoid it, you should not mount your UST projector on the ceiling. At the end of the day, it’s just not what the manufacturers design them for. Additionally, most units can be quite heavy. Without the proper mounting brackets, this could mean damage to your electronics if things go awry, however, if you do decide to go this route, we do have a guide on it.
Remember that the whole point of a UST projector like this one (on Amazon) is to use it close up. Mounting it on the ceiling will almost always exceed the recommended space between screen and projector. This will result in warped images and less than stellar resolution.
If you really want to mount a projector on your ceiling, we would recommend a standard throw projector. If you have the space, you can mount this projector further away and get the proper screen ratio and resolution without having to alter too many settings.
Wrapping Up
While you can mount a UST projector onto the ceiling, it’s not the best place for it. Manufacturers design these products to be super close to the screen. It can be a struggle to meet these requirements with a ceiling-mounted device.
UST projectors can be placed on coffee tables and entertainment centers. Placing them on the ceiling will result in an image that is not what the manufactures intended. If you really must have a ceiling-mounted projector, try and source a standard throw.